Monday, May 30, 2011

Envelopes from Photos

this tutorial is from this website -

 Super quick and easy tutorial for you today. I have a drawer full of these and use them for everything - bills, letters, you name mom does too, actually! I recently received an oversized catalog for baby strollers (why? I have more than one that I barely use). The pages were huge and mostly images - perfect for envelope making. I was able to make standard #10 envelopes as well as catalog envelopes - which is great because I'm always looking for a bigger envelope!

Other supplies you'll need:
     Glue - glue stick or craft glue - whichever you prefer
     Old envelope or envelope template. 

If this is a project you see yourself recreating in the future or with other papers you could invest in an envelope template kit, or you can print templates (you'll need to print at 100% on a larger format printer) from Designer's Toolbox on a heavy stock (mount to board for a longer lasting template). Personally, I'm perfectly satisfied with a carefully deconstructed old envelope.


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Over a delicate arch--
an eyebrow of stone--

on the unruffled forehead
of a wall

in joyful and open windows

where there are faces instead of geraniums

where rigorous rectangles
border a dreaming perspective

where a stream awakened by an ornament
flows on a quiet field of surfaces

movement meets stillness a line meets a shout
trembling uncertainty simple clarity

you are there
art of fantasy and stone

there you reside beauty
over an arch
light as a sigh

on a wall
pale from altitude

and a window
tearful with a pane of glass

a fugitive from apparent forms
I proclaim your motionless dance

Create Date Friday, January 03, 2003

Zbigniew Herbert 


"Jazz Time"

     Heather's last Jazz Concert was this past Monday.   When i hear her sing it brings a smile on my face.  :)    Some special guest where Mr. Bultman's friends.   The harmony and melodic unity was exceptional... a real treat. 

Nature Photography Class, Part 2

Saturday, May 14, 2011