Monday, November 17, 2008


Today is a very special day... it is my oldest daughters birthday. For all you mothers, do you remember the day each child was born. I remember bits and pieces but the first is one you don't forget to quickly.
I was going about the day as usual when i started having cramps. So i called my mother in law and she said i would have the baby that evening... you know what? She was right. That evening i had a little girl that was 8lbs. and 7oz. Wow. She was perfect... until i got her home and she cryed for 3 days straight. I called the doctor to find what i should do and he said "take two asprins and call me in the morning." lol Me? What about the baby. That was the first and it hasn't been the last time i asked what do i do with this child. lol
She is a beautiful young woman that i love soooo much. We have had our challenges but our good times out weight the bad. She is talented, loving, athletic, beautiful(inside and out) and is willing to serve God and follow him. I am a proud mother. That is ok, isn't it? Of course. God bless you Heidi, today and each day ahead of you.