Sunday, February 24, 2008

Biting my nails

Ok... i have a bad habit. I bite my nails. Then i was thinking... (that could be dangerous) A bad habit is sinning also... how many times do we do something wrong and know it... I bite my nails and know i should stop but i have done it so much that i don't even think about it sometimes until someone says "stop doing that, that is a bad habit". Ok, so what do i do? How do i stop biting? Well... i could put bad tasting stuff on my nails, or put fake nails on, or put gloves on. There are things i could do... but do i? That is the same with sin... we know how to avoid it but why don't we? What do you think.... Let me know

Saturday, February 9, 2008

i have a minute

Ok... so here i go. I have a minute. So what am i going to say? That i just had a great time with a great bunch of people... Game night! I am so blessed to have great friends with a great ability to make me...Sam makes me laugh, Bethany makes me think, Katie makes me creative, Debbie makes me better, Liesa makes me a friend. God makes me! Thank you! I will try to write more in the future...